
Theatre from the Ground Up.

Whole Theatre is all about making new plays.  Promoting, presenting and producing new plays.  Plays that are grown from artists, activists, and the ground up.

Since white males are overrepresented in regional and community theatre, and professional film and theaters, Whole Theatre is committed to producing more works from women, people of color, and non-binary creators.

And, while most plays start as solo writing activities, Whole Theatre favors collaboration and empowers new ways of telling stories – often from new storytellers.

We work on new works, original works, exclusively.  And, have produced over 80 plays and collections of plays over the past 12 years.  In fact, if you have a story to tell, Whole Theatre is looking to produce the play that has yet to be written, as we have done so many times over in our 24/7 Theatre Festival.  Together we can figure it out.

And Whole Theatre likes to think that a new play comes in many forms. From the basic storytelling, to all out performance art — the forms are as free as the artist(s) themselves.

Whole Theatre lets the theatrical artist thrive, weather on adrenaline or determination, and helps get people to see the new work of creative performers.

Without actually having a brick and mortar building, Whole Theatre has a home in Charlottesville, Virginia.

For more info and to join the fun contact Ray ( Ray at WholeTheatre dot com)