
CrazyBusy33 plays in 55 minutes.

Let’s get this (theatrical) party started:

  • 33 plays in 55 minutes?  How do you do that?

Well, first we write 33 plays, running time one to two minutes; then we rehearse those plays; then you buy a ticket and we perform those plays for you.

Oh, and here are the plays from Crazy Busy June 2011:

  • HUNGER by Angela Pirko
  • EAST SIDE WEST SIDE by Bill Rough
  • BURNT TOAST by Chris Baumer
  • WEIGHTED HANDS by Collier Lumpkin
  • YOUR MOM by Conor Kyle
  • JULIE IN SANTA FE by Jennifer Hoyt Tidwell
  • MISS UTILITY by Jennifer Hoyt Tidwell
  • DEATH OF BOOKS by Karen Ratzlaff
  • TRIPLE TALL NO FOAM by Amanda Lewis
  • CUP OF COFFEE by Lance Stewart
  • PINKY’S LAST SHOW by Larry Goldstein
  • DON’T GET OUT MUCH by Mendy St. Ours
  • FLY AWAY by Miller Susen
  • PELICANS by Robert Wray
  • SAMMY by Sara Shotwell
  • SEAL TEAM SEX by Alex Grubbs
  • TAILGATING by Amanda Lewis
  • MEAL PLANNING by Chris Baumer
  • CARRY by Clinton Johnston
  • NEVER THE TWAIN by Elizabeth Feuller
  • DOUBLE STRENGTH by Jenny Mead
  • BOY AND GIRL WITH BOY AND GIRL by Julian Oquendo
  • THE PICK UP ARTIST by Leslie Baskfeild
  • BAD TEETH by Matthew Minnicino
  • FOUR-THREE-LINE PLAYS by the Group
  • MOUTHS OF BABES by Mendy St. Ours
  • THE MAKEOVER by Miller Susen
  • PUPPY LOVE by Peter Gunter
  • HELMET TO HELMET by Ray Nedzel
  • THE QUIZ by Stephen Sossaman

And here is the cast to deliver those plays to you:

  • Chris Baumer
  • Claire Chandler
  • Nick Heidershadt
  • Edwina Herring
  • Tim McNamara
  • Marty Moore
  • Julian Oquendo
  • Angela Pirko
  • Sara Shotwell
  • Miller Susen
  • Napoleon Tavale
  • Katy Walker



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