I think there’s a sign outside of 24/7 this year that reads, “you must be THIS TALENTED to ride this ride.” Because — look at this list of actors — I would cast any of these over-talented clowns in anything.
And, I guess that makes sense. Here they are, throwing their hats in the ring to be cast in, well… just about anything.
And, yes, they’re all freakishly tall… I mean, talented.
Actors for twenty-four-seven-two-thousand-sixteen:
- Alec Beard
- Allison Bowers
- Anders Coe
- Austin Bouchard
- Broocks Willich
- Cage Lambert
- Dan Stern
- Ike Anderson
- Kate Perino
- Kisha Jarrett
- Kristin Baltes
- Laura Mawyer
- Lee Susen
- Leslie Scott-Jones
- Liz Howard
- Marija Reiff
- Mariko Schaper
- Miriam Halpern
- Misty Vrederburg
- Richard Cooper
- Shand Macdonald
- Stewart Moneymaker
- Tim Read
- Trina Candia
- Zoe Farmingdale
Plus, are there a few surprises up our sleeves? Maybe.
January 23rd @ LIVE ARTS. Get your tickets now: HERE.