Mary Alice Blackwell in the Daily Progress

Cry of the Mountain Press Photo 002
Mary Alice Blackwell writes about the show and Addie in the Daily Progress

Almost every week you can read about a play at Live Arts, or Four County, or the Hamner Theater, or Play On.

Well, this is the story of one play at all four venues.

Adelind Horan, better known as Addie, is making a mini-tour of local theaters with her brand-new one-woman show.

Presented by Whole Theatre, “Cry of the Mountain,” is a documentary play about mountaintop removal in Appalachia. Horan conceived and crafted the work and will perform it every Thursday in July…. [more]

Read Full Article at the Daily Progress Here.

Dates of the Mountain

Production Dates are all set for:

draft of poster for cry of the mountain
Draft poster for cry of the mountain.

Cry of the Mountain: A Documentary Play about Mountaintop Removal in Appalachia.

Thursdays in July:

  • July 1 — Live Arts
  • July 8 — Four County Players
  • July 15 — The Hamner Theatre
  • July 22 — Live Arts
  • July 29 — Play On! Theatre

Now we can lock in the poster, press kits and subject matter experts.

Cry of the Mountain: This July

Cry of the Mountian
Adelind Horan portrays 13 real characters in her one woman show, Cry of the Mountain.

Cry of the Mountain:

A documentary play about Mountaintop Removal in Appalachia.

Conceived and performed by Adelind Horan

Coming this July to a theatre near you (a live theatre near you [this is a play])

Oh, and its for a good cause, and since its for a good cause, we are donating at least 30% of all ticket sales to groups working to stop mountaintop removal.

Learn more about mountaintop removal here:

More info about show:


24 7 Playwrights before the random assigngments
24 7 Playwrights before the random assigngments

Bring it, brang it, brought it.

24/7 does it again (selling out both shows).

Theme: Forgiveness

Special Inspreation from candie valentine heart sayings (suggested by audience, then pulled from a hat)

Forgive and Forget

by Ben Jones
dir by Marianne Kubik
with Chris Estey, Toshi Thomas, Mary Butcher, Ray Smith
(heart says: treat yourself better)

24 7 Tashi and Mary ready to take the stage after only 8 hours of rehearsal
24 7 Tashi and Mary ready to take the stage after only 8 hours of rehearsal

Forgiveness 2011

by Laura Nessler
dir by Al Hoover
with Casey Wagner, Lisa Grant, Clinton Johnson
(heart says: come visit me)

Other Side of the Coin

by Scott Dunn
dir by Kate Monaghan
with Chris Baumer, Bonnie Grubbs
(heart says: we are equal)

The Morning After

by Tyrone Cooper
dir by Bill Rough
with Steven Levine, Sam Rabinivitz, Gary White, Cristan Keighly, Mendy St. Ours
(heart says: baseme’ mucho)

Are You Sitting Comfortably?

by Kristina Weaver
dir by Betsy Tucker
with Alli Boate, Carrie Stuart
(heart says: rawr, rawr, rawr)

Sara ready for some sweet (or sweat) talk
Sara ready for some sweet (or sweat) talk

Sweat Talk

by John Owen
dir by Shawnna Pledger
with Joe Brady, Sara Eshelman, Sara Holdren
(heart says: sweet talk)

Depression Interrrupted

by Denise Stewart
dir by Bree Luck
with Jenny Mikulski, Christina Ball, Brie Laskey
(heart says: pick me!)

Actor and Crew for 24/7, Feb 13th, Live Arts

24/7 Actors and CrewFor the Feb 13th show at Live Arts

24 Actors:

  • Christina Ball **
  • Chris Baumer
  • Allyson Boate **
  • Joe Brady *
  • Mary Butcher **
  • Sara Eshelman
  • Chris Estey **
  • Lisa Grant
  • Bonnie Grubbs **
  • Sara Holdren *
  • Clinton Johnston *
  • Cristan Keighley **
  • Gabrielle Laskey **
  • Steven Levine
  • Jenny Mikulski *
  • Samuel Rabinovitz **
  • Ray Smith **
  • Mendy St. Ours **
  • Carrie Stuart **
  • Tashi Thomas **
  • Casey Wagner **
  • Gary White **

The Crew:

  • Stage Manager: Kristin Wenger
  • Assistant Stage Manager:  Anne-Laure Talbot **
  • Technical Director: Will Slusher
  • Lighting Designer:  Heather Hutton **
  • Sound Designer: Lawrence Levine
  • Costumes Designer: Meredith Heiderman **
  • Costumes Designer: Betty Lou Hales **
  • Lightboard Operator: Bob Button **
  • Sound Op:   Lawrence Levine
  • Properties: Kristin Wenger
  • Running Crew: Djamila Harouaka **
  • Running Crew: Joe Mongahan **
  • Box Office Manager:   Steph Finn *
  • House Manager:  Leo Arico *
  • House Manager:  Christine Aukstikalnis **
  • Concessions:  Peter Gunter *
  • Concessions: Coleman Kitchin **
  • Utility Player:  Larry Goldstien *
  • Producer/Host:  Ray Nedzel

[ * new to 24/7 in this category.  ** 24/7 virgin ]

Playwrights for next 24/7

24/7 Playwrights
24/7 Playwrights

We have a wonderful line up of playwrights for the next 24/7.

In keeping with our goal of including new, fresh and downright freakin’ great talent, the scribes for Feb 13 are:

7 playwrights

  • Ty Cooper **
  • Scott Dunn *
  • Brodrick Jones *
  • Laura Nessler **
  • John Owen **
  • Denise Stewart
  • Kristina Nell Weaver **

[ * new to 24/7 in this category.  ** 24/7 virgin ]

This event will be held at Live Arts, on the downstage, February 13, 2010 at 7:30 and 10pm.