Bring it, brang it, brought it.
24/7 does it again (selling out both shows).
Theme: Forgiveness
Special Inspreation from candie valentine heart sayings (suggested by audience, then pulled from a hat)
Forgive and Forget
by Ben Jones
dir by Marianne Kubik
with Chris Estey, Toshi Thomas, Mary Butcher, Ray Smith
(heart says: treat yourself better)
Forgiveness 2011
by Laura Nessler
dir by Al Hoover
with Casey Wagner, Lisa Grant, Clinton Johnson
(heart says: come visit me)
Other Side of the Coin
by Scott Dunn
dir by Kate Monaghan
with Chris Baumer, Bonnie Grubbs
(heart says: we are equal)
The Morning After
by Tyrone Cooper
dir by Bill Rough
with Steven Levine, Sam Rabinivitz, Gary White, Cristan Keighly, Mendy St. Ours
(heart says: baseme’ mucho)
Are You Sitting Comfortably?
by Kristina Weaver
dir by Betsy Tucker
with Alli Boate, Carrie Stuart
(heart says: rawr, rawr, rawr)
Sweat Talk
by John Owen
dir by Shawnna Pledger
with Joe Brady, Sara Eshelman, Sara Holdren
(heart says: sweet talk)
Depression Interrrupted
by Denise Stewart
dir by Bree Luck
with Jenny Mikulski, Christina Ball, Brie Laskey
(heart says: pick me!)